[Video] Owen Marks/Last Sessions

  • La Pinarello Dogma XC è finalmente disponibile al pubblico! Dopo averla vista sul gradino più alto del podio dei campionati del mondo di XC 2023 con Tom Pidcock (con la full) e Pauline Ferrand-Prevot (con la front), Stefano Udeschini ha avuto modo di provarla sui sentieri del Garda
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Simon Silver

Santa Cruz California
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“It is sad to say that final days of the “Freedom 40” trails have come to an end. For the last 10 years this little patch of perfection has served as a training ground for the best mountain bikers from around the world. However it is has also been a home for many of us that live in town. Owen has spent thousands of hours at this gated 40 acres keeping the lines perfected. I owe it all to this pristine landscape, and I am sure Owen would say the same. The legacy of the “Freedom 40″ trails will live on forever. Massive thanks to Eric for the unreal hospitality over all the years.”
Credit: Isaac Wallen

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