‘”Phil’s Trailhead” is a hub of the mountain biking scene here in Bend Oregon. It’s a popular place to park your car and start your trail ride. It also has a ton of fun stuff to session right near the parking lot. The “slalom trail” is all-time. I wanted to head to the slalom to do a few things: -just ride and have a good time -see how many barspins I could do through the line and challenge Carson Storch to beat me -See if it might possibly be a good location to hold another “Slopedurocross Challenge.” It was a successful day, as all of these line items were ticked off. I hope you enjoy the vid and I hope you subscribe… because, I mean you gotta be curious right?!? Will Carson beat my barspin record in the next vid? When will I hold a Slope-Duro-Cross event here? There’s only 1 true way to get the answers to these very pressing questions, and that is to subscribe to this channel Ok bye.’ -Cam