Thomas Slavik vince la Mad Of Lake 2022


La Mad of Lake è una gara urban che si tiene a Toscolano Maderno sul lago di Garda.


Le parole di Slavik: “I would say that Mad Of Lake is probably the best Urban DH track in Europe. It’s not so wild as the South American and it’s hard to compare with it, because the structures of the cities are just different here in Europe. But this track is getting better ever year. In the final run I did huge mistake in first section of the track and lost some time….and I knew I have to go to the limit in the rest of my run. I was pushing really hard, touching fences, drifting and really holding good pace. Crossed the finish line on first spot and really stoked that I got away with win after such a mistake.”

Classifiche complete



  1. Confermo, di anno in anno sempre più difficile da terminare senza commettere errori tecnici, e ci vogliono gambe very power per riuscire a pedalarla tutta fino al traguardo! Correre tra le transenne larghe 2 mt in paese con la gente che si accalca per guardarti da vicino non ha eguali, è una botta al proprio ego smisurata!!!!
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